Some employees view mystery shopping as being an intrusion rather than a useful training and coaching tool. But the true purpose of a mystery shopping program is to help the staff and the company provide superior customer service. Today we’re discussing the various ways you can communicate your mystery shopping results with your staff.

The reason that many employees view the program as an intrusion can be due to a number of factors. Perhaps a manager just tells an employee that they failed without explaining why. Failure without a reason results in frustration rather than improvement.

Though they can be complex at times, the results from a mystery shopping report can be used for coaching to motivate the staff to perform better. The following are 10 ways you can communicate the results with your team members.


One of the most effective ways to make an impact with the results is to meet with employees one-on-one to discuss the results.  When an employee doesn’t score well, managers need to coach the employee in private to talk about ways to improve the customer experience. 

Via Email:  


Some companies send emails summarizing how the company is performing within each area to keep everyone on the right track. Emphasizing the high-scoring areas compliments employees, while detailing areas that need improvement lets employees know where to place more effort

In Staff Meetings:  

Staff meetings provide an excellent opportunity to discuss results and strategies for improvement. For instance, if numerous associates struggle with a closing question, you can brainstorm ideas about asking for the business.

Internal Campaign Meetings:  

You can include mystery shopping results in a positive meeting setting. Providing comparisons on mystery shopping performance – and associating it with a reward or recognition – will engage your associates and improve performance across the board

In Interviews: 

Managers should notify job candidates upfront about job requirements in detail, including your mystery shopping expectancies. The more potential employees know about your standard operating procedures, the better prepared they will be to impact the company’s bottom line

New Employee Training:  

New associate training should include a description of the mystery shopping process and examples of a mystery shopping result report. One of the advantages is that the survey functions as a written expectation of customer/employee interactions.

New Manager Training:  

Whether your company uses telephone mystery shopping, video mystery shopping, or onsite mystery shopping, new managers need to know what is expected at their location.  Let them know how often the shops will take be conducted and how they can use the information for coaching and motivating their employees.  

Ongoing Coaching:  

Because mystery shops reveal company standards that produce revenue, the results should become part of an ongoing training program.

Web- and Video-Based Training: 

So that the information is always available,
include mystery shopping information, program details, and tips in training videos and online training for employees.


Companies can use the results as a focus for informal training, including roleplays to target face-to-face and phone skills. This works well for location-specific training because the single location can modify role plays to improve areas for their specific team.

Mystery shopping with Reality Based Group isn’t simply about data collection, but gathering the right data based upon actionable, revenue-driving behaviors that improve your customers’ experience while increasing your bottom line.

Our closed-loop approach to mystery shopping means your objectives remain at the forefront during every stage of the process. We design your unique mystery shopping program and questions to assess performance on factors that correlate to your goals and can be effectively modified through training and coaching. To get started, contact us today!


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